Regards, Ivan
I don't know about throwing a net over Pelosi, Maybe a straight jacket though.
she is 1000 % predictable. A hate America/ military socialist/marxist
The most accurate statement about Nancy Pelosi ever made: The Runaway Bride's Mother.
I read somewhere that the UN panel has thus far refused to release any of the scientific data this "report" is based on. Accordingly, it is impossible for anyone to peer review the study. I can think of only ONE reason they would do this.
In an announcement on Thursday, February 8, she made it clear that Global Warming is her highest priority.
Nazi Pelosi forgets what her job is, what country she works for, and who pays her salary. Like much of Washington these days. She obviously is more interested, as the flaming socialist that she is, in POWER AND CONTROL so she is pandering to radical left wingers FOR VOTES IN 2008.
It is sick to realize that someone so blatantly STUPID, and so political, could have been put in such an office in this country. The liberal socialists do not care about the REAL ISSUES in this country -- they never have. And never will.
This is proven every time she opens her mouth. This unpatriotic, socialist anti-American is another example of the result of voter stupidity, selfishness and complacency.
She has already shown what her priorities are:
1. Inaugurate herself in a gaudy show of narcissism.
2. Redefine 100 hours to suit her failed schedule and save face.
3. Go to the Middle East Iraq for photo opportunities and to screw up actual diplomacy.
4. Make a show of purely symbolic acts like the nonbinding resolution debate.
5. Secure a cushy plane for herself.
6. Insult the president and then complain about the vice president's comments like a bratty little sister.
What else have I missed in her first month? It's all about HER!
This is the best chance the Left has ever had to fool the citizenry into accepting what they would always reject if it were presented "on the merits": Totalitarian Socialist Government.
It has taken them a while to figure it out but "global warming" is easier to sell than Communism when you want to redistribute wealth.