Rudy has been doing more tap dancing then Michael Flatley. His history shows liberalism thru and thru. Sean "I need a bib" Hannity gave him a softball on the 2nd amendment, and he whiffed badly, yammering on how "hunter's rights" would be protected.
No thanks, but nice try.
For those that missed the implied thesis, a represent of the people may decide differently on issues if he is representing different people. For all those who would elect a John McCain or a Chuck Hagel, or a Newt Gingrich: how do you know your candidate would be pro-life if they weren't elected by such an adamantly pro-life electorate?
On the gun issue: From strictly a legislative standpoint, there is a tension between a citizen's right to protect themselves, and that citizen's right to be kept free from crime by the government. In rural areas, self-protection is sometimes the only feasible protection. In New York City, most people are far more concerned that someone ELSE will have a gun, and a shoot-out means danger to others. Giuliani believed that law and order was better maintained if cops alone had guns.
I'm not endorsing that viewpoint, because I have constitutional issues with it. But you'd be damned hard pressed to find anyone from the Republican Party who believed that second-amendment rights trumped safety. If the right to bear arms really does mean the right to form independent militias capable of resisting government intrusion (as I actually believe the founding fathers meant), than that right includes the right to possess weapons of mass destruction.
Don't kid yourself: Rudy Giuiani's position on the constitutionality of gun control is identical to that of George W. Bush, John McCain, Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, Sam Brownback, Mike Huckabee, and almost certainly Duncan Hunter or anyone else (with the possible exception of Ron Paul).