To: spikeytx86
20 posted on
02/20/2007 11:06:49 PM PST by
Reagan Man
(FUHGETTABOUTIT Rudy....... Conservatives don't vote for liberals!)
To: Reagan Man
It's not whining, it was a friendly request. If you don't like em that's fine, we all get a turn in the voting booth come primary time. Just don't go for the low blow, Rudy is no goombah.
With all do respect, and I do respect you out of your admiration and support for Reagan, why do you have to be a smart ass all the time? I have tried to have honest discussions with you in the past about Rudy and it always delves into condescension and name calling. I believe we can debate and disagree civilly over the primary contest, were both on the same team in the end.
24 posted on
02/20/2007 11:15:03 PM PST by
(Pray for Democrats for they have been brainwashed by their fruity little club.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson