To: Blackirish
Flop sweat?
It's 22 months before the election. About a year before the primaries. You may want to look up the origin of "flop sweat" before you try to turn a clever phrase. The 'show' (primary season) hasn't even started.
BTW, it's the rudybots who get throw a fit every time the truth about their favorite liberal hope is revealed. IT's a personal attack to bring facts about a RINO to light.
What do liberals and rudy supporters have in common? They both get pissed when you tell the truth about the things they support.
12 posted on
02/20/2007 10:57:56 PM PST by
(<----- Click here if you hate RINOs! 2008 GOP RINO cards!)
To: flashbunny
Then why bother FB..? Your a charter member of the RudyHaters club. If he has no chance why are you wasting your time bashing him. FLOP SWEAT.
Cuz you know ....unless your ignorant so I'll inform you that it may be "22 months before the election" but super Tuesday is Feb 5 08 ...LESS THEN A YEAR AWAY.
FLA...PA...OH...IL...NJ...NC... CA....all voting the same day.
Kinda favors name recondition and big money....favors Rudy and thats why you're flop sweating.
To: flashbunny
"FLOP SWEAT" is an old theatre term and yes, I know exactly what it means.
The front loading of the primaries changes EVERYTHING; it'll be all over but the crying. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson