It most certainly is vindication.
As evidenced by your comment, "It is not neutral journalism nor is it competent investigative reporting. This screed offers no proof -- only innuendo, using safe words like "reportedly," it is clear that you have NOT read the articles, nor have you researched the matter on your own.
There most certainly IS evidence to support Mr. Gaffney's assertions.
Opinion writer? Hardly. You need to do your homework. Gaffney has been right on Norquist.
I have read the articles and I have researched the matter on my own. There is no evidence to support the allegation that Mr. Khan or Mr. Norquist are terrorist sympathizers or terrorists themselves... or Mr. Gaffney would have produced it.
Norquist engaged in an effort to bring observant Muslims into the conservative coalition. No more, no less. And I, for one, do not have a problem with that. Mr. Gaffney has bismirched Mr. Khan, his family, and several other current and former Bush administration appointees through smear and innuendo for no reason other than they are Muslims. QED. And that's shameful.
And, by the way, what proof has been offered and what, exactly, has been proven?