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To: madprof98
In fact, the Clintons' leadership in the push for abortion and gay rights was routinely cited as an example of the depravity and the decadence into which they were leading this country.

The two major issues of importance are Roe and gay marriage. Both will be resolved by the courts one way or another. If Roe is thrown out, then the states will have the power to regulate abortion. Some states will permit it; most will severely restrict it. Gay marriage is a state issue, but if the Defense of Marriage Act is challenged in court, it will be resolved in the court system.

And if you think the Guiliani boosters here are not enthusiastic about throwing the social conservatives to the sharks, then you haven't been following the numerous threads on which they post here.

If by "throwing them to the sharks" you mean reducing the influence of the issues of importance to them on our elected officials, yes. If you mean somehow shutting them up, then no. But the pathetic performance of the Republican led 109th showed that those issues of importance to the RR which were continually debated by the social conservatives in Congress greatly diminished the efforts in the real issues America cares about. Most of America and many here on FR are sick of those issues taking center stage.

83 posted on 02/17/2007 7:22:51 AM PST by MACVSOG68
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Most of America and many here on FR are sick of those issues taking center stage.

Jim Wallis is right. The secularists have won. Enjoy the America you seem to want.

87 posted on 02/17/2007 7:26:16 AM PST by madprof98 ("moritur et ridet" - salvianus)
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Most of America and many here on FR are sick of those issues taking center stage.

Guilty as charged.

96 posted on 02/17/2007 7:31:33 AM PST by Wormwood (Your Friendly Neighborhood Moderate)
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Most of America and many here on FR are sick of those issues taking center stage.

Would be interested in exactly how that conclusion can be made. The fact of the matter is that on the latest FR poll, Rudy garnered a whopping 16%. Newt, Mitt, Hunter (who are strong conservatives on "these issues:) combined, blew him away.

Rather than "many" I would say a few gullible ones are so Clinton phobic that they have become tunnel visioned. Sadly, if they have it their way, we are going to get what they fear. Rudy cannot win a national election w/o enthusiastic conservative support, including the Christian Right.

103 posted on 02/17/2007 7:36:53 AM PST by don-o (Fight, fight. fight to drive the GOP to the right!!!!)
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