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You want to talk history? OK...

This country and it's people are the most unbiased in the history of the world...

Were you or were you not implying that conservatives are ignorant about their own American history and because of such, are not qualified to comment on current events?

Were you or were you not implying that conservatives (like us)deserve the turmoil and grief from the terrorism that is occurring because of said history?

No..I am not in politics..I'm just sick of everyone being "right" in this country but the type of people who have worked and strove for freedom here for over 200+ years.

Yes..the same people who brought true liberalism to the world....the kind of people who tolerate people from all walks of life yet still allow religion to flourish.

...the same people who brought down Hitler and the KKK by their own hands. The same people who welcomed immigrants from many countries and from many religious beliefs and brought women more freedoms then the have ever known.

The same people who rescued many nations from tyranny...Conservative American Christians.

I'm sick of being told by intolerant biased people who discriminate against my family because of "history" that I'm not tolerant enough and deserve everything I get from any journalist with an agenda or mad man with a gun.

If you want to talk about history, let's talk about more recent history and the fact that the leftist agenda has gone too far in it's discrimination against the Christian right. They have played the hand of the European "Enlightenment" in an age when the enlightenment has proved to be just as discriminatory to freedoms then any other movement.

Lastly, I am sick of being told that I should not be proud of my country and my Christian Conservative heritage and that it is not worth fighting for because of our "history"...the same precious history of America that is currently being rewritten by the very immigrants that we so graciously welcomed and now dominate our elite establishment and the media.

Oh attitude is catching on. People are starting to shout it from the rooftops...

"America was founded by the original liberals!"

No matter how much the new "historians" try, they will never be able to erase that piece of history.

168 posted on 02/17/2007 9:01:48 AM PST by Earthdweller (All reality is based on faith in something.)
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To: Earthdweller
Were you or were you not implying that conservatives are ignorant about their own American history and because of such, are not qualified to comment on current events?

No. I distinguish between conservatives and the RR.

Were you or were you not implying that conservatives (like us)deserve the turmoil and grief from the terrorism that is occurring because of said history?

Huh? Are you sure you are on the right thread? I would simply prefer a president who goes after terrorists rather than gays and lesbians.

No..I am not in politics..I'm just sick of everyone being "right" in this country but the type of people who have worked and strove for freedom here for over 200+ years.

We are a wonderful Nation with a generally good history. But to suggest that it has not been clouded by 80 years of slavery, and an additional 100 years of black codes, prejudice and all the laws favoring one group of people is ludicrous. We are a great Nation because we are not afraid to confront the evils within and without. You may not be political, but the thread is, and that is the issue.

Yes..the same people who brought true liberalism to the world....the kind of people who tolerate people from all walks of life yet still allow religion to flourish.

Absolutely, in spite of those who would curb such tolerance and freedom.

...the same people who brought down Hitler and the KKK by their own hands. The same people who welcomed immigrants from many countries and from many religious beliefs and brought women more freedoms then the have ever known.

Absolutely, again in spite of those who stood in the way.

I'm sick of being told by intolerant biased people who discriminate against my family because of "history" that I'm not tolerant enough and deserve everything I get from any journalist with an agenda or mad man with a gun.

Which has what to do with the discussion?

If you want to talk about history, let's talk about more recent history and the fact that the leftist agenda has gone too far in it's discrimination against the Christian right. They have played the hand of the European "Enlightenment" in an age when the enlightenment has proved to be just as discriminatory to freedoms then any other movement.

And just what religious freedom do you no longer have because of the leftist agenda? I can go to any church of my choosing; I can worhip any God I want, or none if I desire. I would suggest less whining and more enjoyment of the freedoms we have.

Lastly, I am sick of being told that I should not be proud of my country and my Christian Conservative heritage and that it is not worth fighting for because of our "history"...the same precious history of America that is currently being rewritten by the very immigrants that we so graciously welcomed and now dominate our elite establishment and the media.

Who has suggested you should not be proud of your Country? It is well worth fighting for. But while we are a Nation of Christians, we are not a Christian Nation. And I prefer to keep it that way. All religions are welcome here, but none to govern.

And take pride in your Christian heritage. But when religious fundamentalists want to decide who my Party's candidate will be based on their litmus tests, I draw the line. I too will shout it from the rooftops, as apparently are many in the Republican Party...finally.

202 posted on 02/17/2007 10:14:45 AM PST by MACVSOG68
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