To: prov1813man
"As to "evangelicals" on this site supporting Rudy: I suspect that many, like myself, do not support him at this point, but will definitely vote for him if he is the nominee against any democrat. This past weeks congressional treasons ought to tell us all we need to know about "teaching the rino's a lesson"."
Amen brother you hit the nail on the head.
At least with Rudy we would have some leverage.
However, with a Hellary or Obamma (Hugo Chavez wannabe's) we would be wearing sack cloth and ashes literally before the end of four years of Tax and Spend Malaise.
It is my lowly opinion that this next election will redefine and shape America for generations to come.
As you say we can already feel the effects of the 06 election.
Already the coward Liberals are rolling around and muck diving in the fecal sludge known as the Democrat sewer.
Leaving this for the traitours secular Democrats to define for all citizens is a bigger risk than playing Russian Roulet with a loaded gun.
Only fools and the depreciated intelligent would even think of putting a Democrat into leadership.
162 posted on
02/17/2007 8:54:33 AM PST by
(Kalifornia now a certified socialist state reporting to Mexico City for further instructions)
This election has to be the DEATH of the Clinton's hold over the democrats. If we don't break this hold .. America will be in serious trouble.
Hillary will appease every foe .. while the "First Man" will be doing his duty in the Lincoln bedroom .. and any other bedroom available.
Secondly, while all that farse is going on .. our enemies will be plotting to destroy America .. one large city at a time .. or maybe several cities at once.
But .. never fear .. Hillary will come to the rescue and declare martial law .. and REMAIN PRESIDENT FOREVER .. because she will by EXECUTIVE ORDER cancel all the elections.
That may sound far fetched and way beyond reason .. but what was it that the esteemed 911 Commission said: "... the real failure was THE LACK OF VISION ...".
Well .. we better get our vision going if we plan on protecting America and what she stands for .. by not denying to ourselves .. the evil capabilities of the Clintons and their minions.
183 posted on
02/17/2007 9:30:11 AM PST by
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