Apparently the hijacker slept through the physics class when they discussed inertia.
"Apparently the hijacker slept through the physics class when they discussed inertia."
It appears he also slept through French Class.
No, the hijacker simply assumed that the plane would land the way commercial jetliners usually land:
1) touchdown
2) medium-hard braking
3) hard braking
4) stop
The pilot took advantage of this predictable and not unreasonable assumption and landed differently:
1) touchdown
2) very hard braking
3) sudden re-acceleration
[perp falls down; flight attendants throw boiling water in face of perp, while 10 passengers pin down and pummel perp]
4) medium-hard braking
5) very hard braking
6) stop
Smart, smart pilot. Excellent performance by crew and passengers.
A big "Let's Roll!" award to all of them.
And after all this, the perp ended up exactly where the plane had been headed in the first place -- just in jail, instead of walking around free.
That lesson was canceled. In its place they had classes on memorizing the Koran.