Thank you very much. I'll see what we can do to be there.
I will do what ED did too-but under ONE Thread-List ALL the LINKS AND...a Thread with just POSTER IDEAS- although I am sure most o f you already have posters from past Rallies- you may want some for this one too!
Anyone else also staying at the Holiday In Ballston/Arlington let me know-will be in DC hopefully by 1 or so that afternoon- will want to walk around a little and site-see!--
Look for me:
Of course--I probly won't be wearing the Lobster Outfit...and I lost 100 pounds plus...and lost most of my hair..and my face now is kind of narrow..with rings under my eyes...Never mind!
don't really look TOO much that that photo anymore! Okay--Look for someone who LOOKS KIND-OF like that!--but wearing a Very Bright " GATHERING OF EAGLES-Darth AirBorne" Black Sweat Jersey/ with an Eagle Logo and PROTEST WARRIOR logo on the front and back That will stand out!! I want all the libbies to have advance notice so they can see me coming a mile away to give them all a chance to Run for the HILLS!!!
"...To the Few! The Proud! The Brave! If we weren't the BEST!: We'd all be dead! So Come!: Lay your little libbie head upon my chest and let the sound of my Patriotic Heart blow you away!"
Darth AirBorne