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To: Jim Robinson

Upset? What did I write that ever made you imagine that?
I think you're imagining something that isn't there.

You asked questions. I answered them. If you didn't want me to answer them, why did you ask them?

As to the endorsements and swaying you, I don't want to sway you.

But when you post silly things like I'm not a conservative, it sort of cracks me up when I think of the good conservatives who have endorsed Rudy and how ya'll are willing to throw them under the bus.

Good luck finding that perfect conservative. I saw that you like Newt. FNC had a poll tonight and over 60% of Republicans said they'd never vote for him. He had the worst favorability ratings of any Republican running for the presidency (with the full understanding that he hasn't announced).

When you get a chance, let me know why you think I'm upset with you because that's a mystery to me. I enjoy debating but it is rather frustrating to get an answer like yours because it's not on point in any aspect.

205 posted on 02/15/2007 8:38:06 PM PST by Peach (The Clintons pardoned more terrorists than they captured or killed.)
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To: Peach; Jim Robinson
>>>>But when you post silly things like I'm not a conservative..

I've been telling you that for quite some time. You don't believe me, you don't believe Jim, you don't believe anyone. You RINO`s have been knocking down FR one peg at a time, for YEARS! I agree with Jim.

Sorry, I'm a conservative and will not be looking the other way. The Republican party is pro life and pro liberty and I intend to do all within my ability to keep it that way. A socially liberal abortionist gay rights supporting gun grabber cannot be the standard bearer for a conservative party. Conservatives understand why.

235 posted on 02/15/2007 9:44:39 PM PST by Reagan Man (Conservatives don't vote for liberals.)
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