I can always tell who isn't actually reading any of the links I've posted about Rudy.
Some very smart, conservative reporters have made the case that Rudy is fiscally conservative and that he's conservative in other areas as well.
And this crap thrown around that we who like Rudy aren't conservative is just so much hyperbole that the place is literally drowning in it.
Some guy actually posted to me today that he was going to write a check to Hillary and would post a copy of it here instead of ever voting for Rudy. Now that's conservative. /sarcasm
I'm not blind to the issues some conservatives are concerned about Rudy over, although I agree with you they are overstated, and many have to be looked at in the context of what it takes to be a mayor in a city that is 9:1 Dem - but we can deal with that if we are part of the winning coalition. that's politics.
the alternative is defeat, then our fate is sealed on these same issues. Hillary as POTUS for example, and the abortion debate in this country is over, forever. You'll have justices supporting Roe until 2040, and after 60+ years of stare decisis on that issue - you can forget about ever changing it. I'd rather take my chances trying to influence a constitutionalist SCOTUS pick by Rudy, then sure defeat by one of Hillary's.