To: Peach
Yes they are .. but there is only so much they can do because they don't control either house
The Dems won't allow any amendments or let them put forth their own resolutions ..
Reid says he will only let them if HE gets to pick their resolution
In the House they have been arguing against it ... but they don't have the #'s to stop from passing
In the Senate they aren't letting the dems have 60 votes for cloture
36 posted on
02/15/2007 1:44:09 PM PST by
To: Mo1
Yet, a poster just told me there's no differences between the two parties.
38 posted on
02/15/2007 1:46:43 PM PST by
(DEFEAT Hillary Clinton, Marxist, student of Saul Alinsky & ally and beneficiary of Soros.)
To: Mo1
Oh, Mo. This is just making me sick for our troops. And for the country, since most people don't "get" what's going on. Our poor military families.
40 posted on
02/15/2007 1:48:49 PM PST by
(The Clintons pardoned more terrorists than they captured or killed.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson