It's amazing the amount of disdain some on FR hold for conservatives; on FR. It's quite the twist of logic for them, who continually run left, to claim that we are the ones who support a leftist agenda. It's nothing more than an attempt to shut up the opposition anyway; not unlike the left using the word racist. Don't want their media annointed candidate? You're a Hillary supporter!
Rudy is a lemming vote, a pure media pick, especially this far out.
That really riles me too! Especially before the primaries, when we have a chance to choose a candidate we actually like - to be told that the decision is already made & if we don't go along with it - we are Hillary supporters!!!
You would think, on a CONSERVATIVE forum like FR - that people would at least give CONSERVATIVE candidates a chance to get their word out before condemning them as losers before they've hardly gotten out of the gate. We've been called names like "moralists" in a truly condescending way - by our own fellow Freepers!
I wish a lot of the Rudy supporters would realize that this method of threats & condescending insults to our moral compass is having the exact opposite effect on the rest of us. I don't care if Rudy is ahead in the polls - at this stage of the game - I want to work hard to get a candidate that I can believe in out there.
I hear people say they agree with what the conservative candidates stand for - but they will still be voting for Rudy in the primaries! WTF???