Cleaning up Times Square, eliminating the squeegee-men, arresting public urinators and catching turnstile jumpers in no way compares to Rudy`s political positions on the major social issues. Rudy remains:
~ Pro-choice ~ Supports Abortion on Demand ~ Supports Partial Birth Abortion ~ Supports Roe v. Wade ~ Supports Taxpayer Funded Abortions ~ Supports Embryonic Stem Cell ~ Opposes a Federal Marriage Amendment ~ Supports Gay Domestic Partnership/Civil Unions ~ Supports Openly Gay Military ~ Opposes Defense of Marriage Act ~ Supports Amnesty for Illegal Aliens: AKA. "regularization" ~ Supports Special Path to Citizenship for Illegal Aliens ~ Opposes Tough Penalties for Employers who hire Illegal Aliens ~ Supports Sanctuary Cities/Ignoring Immigration Law ~ Supports gun control and Confiscating firearms ~ Supports an Assault Weapons Ban ~ Initiated Frivolous Lawsuits Against Gun Makers ~ Supports Extensive Gun Registration and Licensing.
These are the issues that will matter to most conservatives when they go to the primary polls to choose a GOP candidate to match up against the Democrat candidate. Rudy is outside mainstream social conservatism. Not to mention Rudy`s fiscal record of a big govt Republican. Rudy left behind a big deficit, massive debt and an overall poor fiscal record. The scope of NYCity government was not reduced at all. From 1997 to 2001, spending under Giuliani went up 32%, more then double the rate of inflation.
Sorry. The facts don't help Rudy at all.
Rudy has the money, the name recognition, and the solid executive experience. He is in favor of limiting government and tax cuts while the other Republican candidates favor the failed status quo of spending on liberal entitlement programs and the welfare state that's going to create class divisions and hostilities.
Whatever candidate you're shilling for has a career of keeping a seat warm in Congress who did little to advance both the fiscal and the social conservatism that you want to handcuff Rudy to.
I propose a new litmus test for the rest of the Republican field: Would you or would you not support Rudy Giuliani if he were the party's nominee? What do you say, Sam and Tom and Tommy and Ron and Mike?
Mitt or John don't count. They've already proven that they're complete political prostitutes, so there's no use even asking.