I agree with you that this is a tragedy and a travesty. It may not be "easy" for an innocent person to end up in jail, but it is probably much more likely to do so than to be hit by lightning or win the lotto; and guilty people don't even deserve this, as much as we like to joke about it.
Gordon Liddy has long held that prison guards are the very worst people in the world. If they don't take steps to prevent this kind of thing, then I'd have to agree with him.
Guards listen to lies and BS all day long from people that would put a shank in their heart given the chance. When they hear about a con who claims rape why should they care? The professional standards called for by the job should be the reason but it's hard to feel any sympathy for a guy in jail for beating an old lady up for a SS check or someone who is a 3 time loser.
Why anyone would want to be a guard is beyond me