Just got an e-mail from Darryl Sharratt who THANKS EVERYONE for what we are doing!
Darryl, father of Lance Corporal Justin Sharratt, has been to this thread and he writes:
I would like to thank you all on behalf of my son, Justin, and Wuterich, Tatum, Dela Cruz, Chessani, McConnell, Stone and Grayson. These men are truly heroes.
I find myself in an ironic situation here in Pa., the 12th Congressional District. The man you would consider calling upon, a US Congressman, to present your case is the man who is trying to hang these Marines. I have written and e-mailed Congressman Murtha's office numerous times and they have failed to respond. I am slowly losing faith in our government.
David, I have read your post in Free Republic, regarding Hannity and Colmes, and you have done a great job presenting our case. I have spoken with Gary Meyers, Justin's attorney, and we have reviewed the statement Alan Colmes made on his talk show. WHAT A BLUNDER. It will be interesting to see how Fox and Alan Colmes responds. We will all have to wait and see. I will prepare my e-mails and send them as soon as I finish talking with you.
Again, I would like to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for caring about our Marines.
They shoot horses, don't they! Murtha, less soul than a horse!