A lot of our problems in the Middle East stem from our own state department and their never ending love for thugs. "We do not negotiate with terrorist" our presidents says. Yet he and others before him send the state department to Israel to force them to do just that.
Well to be honest I think if we just absolutely had to go into Iraq we should have went in with no other intentions but to level the place and make it so desolate it would take decades if ever to ever recover again. After doing so we should have sent word to her neighbors and say now anybody else?
I do agree with one thing I read. Bush has obviously not communicated what is going on even to those within his own party. This is not just with Iraq/Iran but on virtually all issues. Nobody should ever follow any leader with blind loyalty. Yet he appoints advisor's and cabinet members that do just that.
And for reasons stated in previous post on this thread I question Bush's judgment. If he expects to send troops into Iran and maintain the levels in Iraq as well just how long does he think our military is going to hold up? Our Troops have not seen this much action {by that I mean the same troops being used again and again for extended deployments} since WW2. Somethings gonna break down people and the Arabic world has soldiers to spare. Ours are tied up playing Peace Corp to a nation that will never change. The only difference is our guys are taking bullets. If Bush wants a rebuilt Iraq fine send in Jimmy Cater and let him build it out of his pocket. The neglect to the military is deep into the second decade. They are United States Soldiers and not nation builders Mr President.