Again,...who cares?
You are not getting my point and are wasting energy on an argument that no one but the left cares about. I mean how many elections do they think they can milk from this?
Bush didn't have to convince me that Saddam needed to be taken out. Clinton didn't either when he was president. He just didn't do anything about it, or with Osama. Evil is evil.
Just for the record, our govt has been packaging military strategy wrapped with patriotic fervor for a long time. Gaming the intell, or selective facts have many times been utilized in time of war. Gets the population riled, ie "Mushroom cloud, yada yada yada." In this case, Saddam was just a plain old evil guy who's time had long been coming since 1990. Bush didn't need to convince me. I knew saddam was a freak during my tenor during the first gulf war.
The 9/11 "slash" Saddam line was repeated over and over and it developed into a well-tuned, Rovian, political psychosis in some people's mind that we "just had to do something." We did do something. Bush did something. And Bush is where he is because of it. I think Bush sleeps at night. I would. There is no election in the near future, no further need to campaign. He is unencumbered by the fetters of political hype. Problem is, he has got to keep his party together over the next two years.
so what? So we are having some problems in Bagdad. We just need to change strategy. Give it some time to work. We got an Admiral in charge now :)
"...during my tenor during the first gulf war."
You're a tenor??? Can you sing, "Oh Danny, Boy" for me?
I'd settle for "Mother McCree" if you can't remember all the words to "Danny, Boy". ;-)