Y'know, the rancor you Rudyites have displayed against the conservatives here with that "whining men" comment has been typical of all the Rudy supporters towards us conservatives...disdain, contempt and thinly concealed hatred.
We've been told we are KKK, we've been told that we "have [our] feet pressed down on [your] necks" because we believe abortion is murder and support the 2nd Amendment, and we've been called various other epithets.
So, it's obvious that you ardent pro-Rudy Freepers support him because you are liberals, i.e. you supprt abortion and wish guns to be heavily regulated, if not banned altogether, and you want the GOP to move away from the Reagan-era conservatism towards the more liberal Jacob Javits/Nelson Rockefeller/Mark Hatfield era.
BUT, and here's the thing, this is a CONSERVATIVE forum, and if conservatives vote for him, it will be because they are holding their noses and voting JUST to stop Hitliary, not because they support abortion and wish our guns to be banned or heavily regulated.
If you wish to convince us of Rudy's conservative CV's, I suggest you do so rationally, and with a modicum of respect, else you'll lose everybody to the right of Stabenow.
You're clearly seeing one side. The side you wish to see. Carry on.
A crock. The majority, if not all of us are pro life and support the 2nd Amendment. I guess you've missed my posts about those matters. Maybe you should educate yourself a little bit before you make such blanket and provably ridiculous statements.
When you call people who don't agree with you about all the issues or about a candidate, I think you're projecting when you call people liberals.