Naaah, you worry too much. They are our good trading partners and they need us to sell their goods to - we need them as much as they need us. Just ask any American industrial giant.
(I refuse to say if my comment is made tongue in cheek or in earnest)
Yeah and I've seen these so-called "bad guys" lately and, truthfully, they seem like a pretty o.k. lot. It just takes a friendly person like Dianne "and the americans would say" Sawyer to show the warmth and loving spirit of a Bashyrkidsheadin Bashar, or Kim Mentally Ill Sung.
Bashar, what a delightful and wonderful sense of humor the man has! And didn't he promise he would get back to bubbling Diane about that little matter of all those so-called political prisoners and clear that misunderstanding up? "What good is democracy if you are dead?" he mused.
No threat there. He's only bankrolled Hezbollah and Hamas to the tune of -----dollars.
Dianne Sawyer. You go girl. You go to he--.