How many non-smoking people do you know that died because of contact with cigarette smoke?
How about smog from commuting in the city each day?
I would bet none because people don't die of inconvenience and you won't either. Not only that but the govt. won't be able to protect you from it. When you're done using the govt's guns to make your life more convenient at the expense of my freedom somebody else will be encouraged by your success to use them to do the same to you.
I wish you could see that, and I wish you gave a damn.
Because you are addicted to smoking, your are forced to delude yourself into thinking secondhand smoke is only an inconvience to others. It is far worse than that. I do not need the governments guns for anything, I have plenty of my own. I will defend my right to firearms ownership as vehemently as you defend your right to smoke, but they are two very different things. I wish you could see that. Firearms save lives, smoking takes them.