JW, I'm sure you speak for quite a few here from what I've seen. Republicans are almost as self-destructive as Democrats have been. Both extremes have enough power to make their respective parties permanent minorities. Problem is the RR is the extreme with the money and the organization. Extremes on the left are disjointed, with little in common. The majority of Americans don't want the narrow agendas proffered by the two extremes. But which extreme will succeed? Because whichever succeeds in its quest to force a nominee on its Party....will ultimately be responsible for losing the election.
My bet is that Hillary will benefit greatly in '08 as the Republican Party, the Party of Lincoln, the Party that ended slavery, saved the Union, and implemented the 14th and 15th Amendments, will try and make America forget the pathetic performance of the 109th and extricate itself from the stranglehold of the extreme right...but to no avail.
If by "stranglehold" you mean the inability of the Republicans to actually win an election without some meaningless pandering to the "extreme right", then, yes, you are correct.
I mean, all you sane people in the Republican party just have to mouth meaningless conservative talking points and wink at us pesky whackos on the right and we'll vote for you'uns. We're easy. We've proved that over and over. Just humor us and we'll vote for you. You don't have to actually do anything conservative. Just play one for the elections.