Read about Rudy's history:
"Defendants named in the suit include MOST MAJOR GUN MANUFACTURERS (emphasis mine), distributors and dealers currently operating the United States, or who export large numbers of guns to the United States."
Again, MOST major gun manufacturers.
BOOKMARK for later (Thanks, Sun)
I will not vote for Rudy in the primary. But, if it is between Rudy and any other of these Democrats, I will gladly vote Rudy! I am as pro life and pro second amendment as one can get,, but the Dems are just too dangerous to our freedoms and the safety of this country. As for abortion,, if a pregnant mother dies in a terrorists attack on this country, her unborn child dies as well! Innocent life is innocent life! In five minutes we could lose as many innocent lives, born and unborn together, from a massive dirty bomb or some other terrorist attack as we lose to abortion in one year! Just because Rudy is president doesn't mean he will be able to get a lot of anti gun laws passed. We could still have the power of the congress to limit what he could do, both with judges and gun laws. He is wrong on these issues, but he is not your typical lib,, he really seems like a decent person. Rudy is in no way my first choice,, but not voting for him in the general election, if he is the Rep. candidate is not an option!