Thanks for the link.
Women Misinformed About HPV-Cancer Link
Media Coverage of HPV Testing Blurs Cervical Cancer Link
Stressing the Truths About HPV
In an editorial that accompanies the studies, Bradley J. Monk, MD, of the University of California at Irvine, and colleagues say these studies highlight the public's misconceptions about the association between HPV and cervical cancer.
"Their findings suggest that it is little wonder that the public is informed so inadequately about the virus, the consequences of infection, and the natural history of cervical [cancer]," they write.
The editorialists say that the first step in improving the public's knowledge of HPV is to clearly state the truths about HPV infection, stressing six basic points:
"# HPV is a sexually transmitted disease."
While it is sexually transmissible, not all cases of anogenital warts are from sexual contact. Anogenital warts have appeared spontaneously in children who are not sexually active and who show no evidence of sexual abuse. Some cases are perinatal and others, where sexual abuse and contact have been certainly ruled out, are just "unknown".