Oh, I understood you clearly.
You don't think it is appropriate for this professor to speak out on the morality of research conducted by his peers. You think he should shut up.
You say you think we have an obligation to live our lives with morals and reason. How consistant is this with your view that people should not pause to consider morality, or at least not speak out about it? That this should somehow be left to philosphers instead of everyday people? I think your stance is altogether immoral and unconscionable.
I am of the opposite opinion. Morality is everyone's business! Just because you are a scientist doesn't mean you abandon your conscience, your morality, your voice. This man was speaking out about the activities of his peers at his institution. What you are saying, is that people should not consider morality in their everyday life, leave morality to philosphy departments. If someone asks us why we let immoral acts happen without pausing to consider or say anything, we can just say we were following orders.
Our laws are influenced by everyday people, as well as experts in their field as this man was. Both are far more influential in our laws than philosophy departments.