> We need to stand up and see to it that people get a
> choice if they vote Republican. We can't have a liberal
> as our standard bearer.
Being against liberals is not enough of a platform to bring home many votes, or voters, either.
Too much of the Republican party built its identity around being "agin dem damn socialists", even after the Republicans had command of the entire government.
The last 5 years has almost been a farce on the order of an old PJ O'Rourke line: The Republicans campaign on the proposition that government doesn't work, then they get elected and PROVE it.
We need to return to Reagan ideals/Conservative principles that are A fusion between Traditional Americans (Christians/Social Cons) and (Smaller Govie Libertarian minded conservatives), As reagan himself proved/ I agree since I am one of them: these strands ARE NOT inconsistent..
If we do these, and have a great orator like RR as our standard bearer, then I believe we can "recapture" the majoriy of Americans (EVEN after out modern stint with liberalism, PCish ness, and Compromise).