Matthew 16 may make for interesting reading, but Matthew 7 makes even more so.
It talks about a wise man who build it house on the rock. Could it be the same rock that is referenced in Matthew 16?
Good question, and you'll notice that all the "rock" and "stone" imagery in the OT and the NT are related: the 12 stones which represent the 12 tribes of Israel, the 12 foundation stones in Revelation which have on them the names of the 12 Apostles, Peter ("Rock"), all of us believers who are "living stones," and of course Jesus THE Rock. Even the rock which "followed" the children of Israel in the desert, was Christ.
(Excuse mty lack of chapter and verse here. I presume you recognize these familiar references,and it's 10:30 PM, I don't have time to look it all up.)
The point being, we who are "in Christ" participate in a way in His "rockishness." Peter was specially singles out, named and appointed as a big un' --- and people like me, well, you can call me "Pebbles."