I think that Vietnamese people generally have some verrrrrry substantial grievances against the soviets and against the Hanoi regime. Many Vietnamese are US citizens now. Should they be clogging American courts over the real depredations against them or, unlike the perpetually aggrieved Serbians, will they continue to maintain their dignity, appreciate the opportunities afforded by the United States for a better life than was available in their dismal homeland and get on with their lives.
I shall never give a moment's sympathy to any group of people who live to perpetually pester the world with their narrow and usually invalid version of their fanaticism and their ohhhhhhh, sooooooooo terrible litany of the injustices that those long dead have suffered along with perhaps a few dozen survivors.
I am a Roman Catholic. The Ku Klux Klan persecuted Catholics here in this country. So did the 1850s Know Nothings. When my grandmother got off the boat in South Boston at 12 years old, she saw the signs posted by nativists saying: Job Available No Irish Need Apply! I really don't much care at this late date about bigotry against Catholics. Whatever the aggravations, we Catholics have done rather well in the essentially Protestant United States, better than most have done in Ireland or other countries from which our ancestors came.
You are flat out wrong and, indeed, possessed of quite bigoted and untrue lies regarding Cardinal Stepinac. You accept the communist propaganda about him while quite possibly having no communist sympathies, using communist lies to buttress your own chronic prejudices against Croatians and or Catholics. No one here says you have to like Catholics much less Croatians. Nor is it written that any American need have any use for the chronic Serbian grievance industry. I don't think we had any business getting involved in the matter of Kosovo either. I think that the chronic squabbling among the insignificant nations of the Balkans belong, well, in the Balkans.
I am partially Irish. I have Catholic and Protestant relatives there. There is injustice on BOTH sides. If the Ian Paisleys and the IRA provos cannot behave like civilized human beings, I think it would be a great idea to lock them all in one big secure warehouse with fully automatic weapons, infinite supplies of ammunition, nothing to hide behind and a supply of body bags equal to the number of combatants inside. Shoot the last survivor(s) and bury the lot of them. Likewise Serbs, Bosnians, Herzegovinians, Montenegrans and Croats who just insist on prolonging their essentially insignificant differences infinitely. There are no great principles at stake there, just perpetually dueling bigotries. Trust me, most Americans of whatever persuasion really do not give a rat's patoot over the faux causes that motivate those permanently aggrieved and professionally "outraged" communities of the Balkans. There are a lot more Irish here than Yugoslavians and even we Irish are generally not moved by all those nutcases on all sides in the auld sod (Ireland for those in Rio Linda) who just cannot grow up and get over it.
Grow up and get over it. Ohhh, and if they suffered in Croatia, their lawsuits belong there too, preferably before Croatian juries.
I was about to take Perfidious England to court for what Old New England did to me ancestors in Ireland. And then I was gonna sue for what they did to my Algonguin ancestors in New New England. I was gonna sue for millions.
England sold some of me family as SLAVES. Did Oprah star in a movie called Potatoes; The Root of all Slavery
And now, what is the point? If I can't nurse my grudge all the way to the grave, do I really LOVE my progenitors?
OH,Oh.. and this too. Me Grandfather on me Dad's side converted to Catholicism in the 1930's in Vermont. His neighbors celebrated the occasion by burning a Cross in his back yard. I got PLENTY of stories like this. Me Great Great had to flee to Canada from Ireland just 'cause he bumped-off a Limey Cop. Where's the justice in that? Since WHEN can't a native Catholic gun-down an occupying cop and then have all sides just have a good laugh over it and then forget and forgive? I tell ya, them Brits are finicky and petty about those events...
Why won't you people LISTEN to me? You think Jesus had it tough...HEAR MY PAIN......