So go ahead and tell us what you think. I haven't seen any pre-game shows (there's a Little House marathon on the Hallmark channel!) so this will be interesting. Couldn't find any previews on AdAge's I hope they're good.
I want my Maypo!
Just a little nostalgia
Predictable dorky-white-guy-bashing, followed by talking animals, thus far. Blah.
See B.S. News is a joke.
Superbowl COMMERCIALS Thread
(Discuss Superbowl Commercials: Good, Bad, and Ugly)
Posted by PJ-Comix
On General/Chat 02/04/2007 10:05:19 AM PST · 50 replies · 377+ views
Self | February 4, 2007 | PJ-Comix Superbowls Greatest Commercials
Posted by EveningStar
On General/Chat 02/02/2007 11:33:32 AM PST · 18 replies · 296+ views ^
I hear you, blu. What are you knitting? I'm making a blue and green scarf.
Uhhh... the moon has gravity, you doofs.
Okay, that Snickers commercial was stupid and sick. Not funny.
They left Sammy Johns out of Chevy's Greatest Hits.
Coke has been running that video game spot in movie theaters for weeks. Was that guy Max Payne?
Well, that Coke commercial was fairly worthless.
My company (Boehringer-Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals) has our very first Super Bowl commercial airing in the fourth quarter. It won't win any awards for cleverness or humor. We were bummed when we saw it last week.
AHEM! Try using the SEARCH function. There was a Superbowl Commercials THREAD that pre-dated yours by 5 hours.
I don't know about the commercials but Prince just put on a really good show in the driving rain. I have not ever been a fan of Prince but he rocked on tonight. The Stones would've really sucked in that environment. Just for the record, they sucked last year too.
I've yet to se a memorable commercial... they are sll quite forgettable.
I came in half way through the halftime show. I counted seven commercials for upcoming CBS TV shows. CBS was BY FAR the biggest advertiser during half time. I think it is so lame for a TV network to sell itself during its commercial spots. What's the matter CBS, couldn't sell the spots?
During the second half, the only commercial with the slightest shred of creativity was the Coke commercial and it wasn't very exciting.
I liked the Budweiser one where a guy is teaching English for foreign students---- various slangs when asking for a Bud, but when asked for one by someone--"No speak English".
Worst SuperBowl ads I've ever seen. Nothing spoke. Who the hell are they speaking to? Maybe I'm getting old.