Candidate Com. ID Committee Name City St Party Des Type State Office C00430512 RUDY GIULIANI PRESIDENTIAL EXPLORAT NEW YORK NY P P 00 PresidentYou can look at Duncan Hunter's filing there too. You'll see that he declares himself a Republican on his FEC FORM 1 and FEC FORM 2.
Brownback filed as Republican on his FEC FORM 1 and FEC FORM 2.
Even Mitt Romney, despite his less than sterling Republican record, got it right and filed as a Republican on his FEC FORM 1 and FEC FORM 2.
Surprisingly, McCain filed as a Republican on his FEC FORM 1 and FEC FORM 2 too.
Rudy did not.
I know because I checked.
Dear Spiff,
That's really bizarre.
I don't understand it.