unions have a new racket now, the teacher's unions. They have almost 50% of all the monies from the treasuries of most states, cannot be fired, can strike, and their jobs cannot be exported, not yet anyway, and many cannot read or write at the level they teach.. Pretty cool scam.
Not new at all. Old as the hills. That is why we graduate dumb anarchists and socialist's who believe patriotism is burning a flag. To see some of them, go to You Tube and watch as they set themselves on fire, jump off buildings, stick all manor of fireworks up their a$$'s, and then laugh as their buddies bleed.
Every day people tout the latest poll results and I just wonder why anyone would ask these morons what they thought about anything. We saw them in action trying to vote in Florida. They weren't able to punch a hole through paper, but they were able to choose a president. Sean Hanity just showed them a week or so ago and they couldn't recognize pictures of Pelosi, or Cheney, but loved Pelosi and hated Cheney. They also couldn't recite the Pledge of Allegiance.