I had this on the other thread
As someone who is clueless I can state with certainty what is going on:
Everyone who might have leaked has now admitted that they leaked. That way they they cant be accused of lying about not leaking, but if they didnt leak, and falsely admit leaking, no one will question them about not leaking....Scooter didnt get the memo
Can you diagram that sentence for me??
Is this the "I am Spartacus" strategy? Ironic that Scooter is the only one who didn't say it and got burned.
I'm with Howlin, there seems to be some very old political karma at play here. We may need to wait ten years until the insider books are written to actually understand this.
I am sure I told everyone in the press at one point that Plame worked for the CIA and that was somewhere before or after she outed herself ten years before Scooter did or did he. I just can't remember.