Yup, they had good reason for that. Bill is a lying, philandering ego-maniac. But he has charm and charisma.
Hillary couldn't charm a snake with a plate full of fat hamsters.
Bill is the best used car salesman the world has ever seen.
Hill couldn't sell a sizzling steak to a starving Texan.
Bill has a sense of what people are feeling and how to connect with it.
Hill has no idea what it's like to be a human being.
Bill is a policy wonk who can rattle off reams of info on a subject.
Hill can barely splutter out her canned platitudes without screwing them up.
Bill tells a joke and his enemies choke because...it was kind of funny.
Hill tells a joke and her friends laugh...because they don't want to embarrass her.
Bill has a spouse that makes people think he had a reason.
Hill has a spouse that makes people think she's beyond reason.
Nicely put.
A friend of mine who had frequent personal contact with b clinton said that he's a genuinely likable guy.
Unlike hillary who most resembled Medusa in private.
Well said. Bump.