And believe me, wasting a long distance call to Senator Levin did. not. feel. good.
I think it's gratifying to let the Rats know we won't take their krap lying down. They don't want to hear from us. Therefore, we should call them.
One other point: Not every aide even in liberal senators' offices is necessarily as liberal on every issue as the senator is. Some are basically just innocent kids with Democratic leanings -- the ones who answer the phones, anyway. You never know what impact you might have, especially if many people call.
I've got unlimited long distance, so calling these cretins is no big deal. It gives me a certain amount of pleasure to annoy their staffers. I believe that it is important that they hear from the other side...often. They get in their little liberal boxes and don't know that we disagree with them, unless we make ourselves known.
If they should ask you where you are from, here's my reply. We are ALL constituents as citizens. Therefore, unless the Congressman or Senator would like to stop making decisions on national and international policy they can treat ALL of us with the same amount of respect. Additionally, since we are connected by phone and internet we can affect election. We can make calls and donations for the challenger.
We have to put aside what "feels good" and make the calls, get out in the streets, work elections, etc. No more silent majority. No more kid gloves. There is a breech, and we must go once more into it!