The remaining Hamdania hearings/trials are ahead. Then, when they've mopped up the blood, the Haditha hearings will start. May not be until the end of February. We'll see. The gov't didn't expect to run into a sh*t storm in the Phan case and it slowed them down.
As mentioned above, I'll be eager for Gen Mattis' decision on the Phan case. If I'm not mistaken, it will be the first Marine case to reach his desk for a decision about whether to go to a court martial.
I am going to say Gen Mattis will let it walk because of what Red said. Haditha is up and that is going to stack the deck. Do they make special umbrellas for a sh*t storm? :)
Let us hope the good general shall carefully weight the options regarding these Marines futures. I believe we shall ultimatly see a fair ruling from him. He certainly is a honorable man and Marine.