I am working for the Republican Party, right down to my precinct. District meetings, County meetings, state caucuses, you name it.
I am supporting Rudy Giuliani with my very name because, for one, he has the most resolve and love for the rule of law than any other Washington-stained Republican currently seeking the office, and, unlike many RADONs who are obsessed with Giuliani threads on FR, I give the Mayor the intellectual alacrity to know that being Commander in Chief and Chief Executive of the USA isn't the equivalent of being mayor of our nation's largest city.
Not to mention his prosecutorial experience and, um, working for Ronald Reagan.
Unlike you, however (forgive me if I'm mistaken), I will vote for the Republican nominee, regardless. My own principles, even if compromised, are not going to be fulfilled by electing a Democrat.
Stop kidding yourself.
Give me a break. He thumbed his nose at the law and at Congress to keep his city a sanctuary city for illegal foreign nationals who had invaded our sovereign territory.
He also has no regard for the Bill of Rights, the RKBA, the God-given right to protect ourselves, our families and our property.
And then we could talk about the rights of the innocent unborn...
I guess that's why he fought to keep NYC's sanctuary policy for illegal aliens through the courts, and when spurned by SCOTUS, said he would just ignore the ruling - while at the mean time revoking gun ownership permits for long-term holders who never committed a crime. Law and order, my arse.