I hate saying it. Most normal Americans are opposed to illegal immigration. Doesn't matter, the beltway politics determine our future. Remember how they were trying to sell us before the 2006 elections that if we didn't pass a comprehensive immigration bill we were screwed? Didn't matter did it? We were still screwed. I would like to believe we had a choice. But... we don't. It is going to get shoved up our gullet no matter what we think. The Rats and Republican elites are together on this one. People will give me a hard time on this. Those that do are blind and still believe we have a choice. I wish we did. I really do! These people that push this do not care what the local American thinks. We are scruff. I would love to think a candidate could turn this around. If he has the guts to try, they will destroy him.
"These people that push this do not care what the local American thinks. We are scruff. I would love to think a candidate could turn this around. If he has the guts to try, they will destroy him."
I hate agreeing with you, but we are clearly no longer a representative republic. We are becoming a democracy. From there, well... I think you know.