I don't get it either.
I think principaled Jews must be torn. The ones I know are liberal in the best sense of the word. LIberals who were honest once. So there is a tradition of liberalism.
I don't know how they can remain in the party that betrays this country and its institutions but will sit by while Israel is destroyed.
I don't get it.
"I think principaled Jews must be torn. The ones I know are liberal in the best sense of the word. LIberals who were honest once. So there is a tradition of liberalism."
That exactly the sentiment I was trying to express. Most of the Jewish folks I know are truly liberal in the sense of desiring personal freedom and equality of opportunity, and yet, they are almost uniformly DemoRat and to a lesser extent, Bush Haters.
I just don't get it.
On another note, a devout Catholic relative of mine emailed teh family a glowing article about Nancy Pelosi. I took the opportunity to send her back a little info on Pelosi's past positions on abortion and gay rights. This relative's husband told me she was "unfazed." Again, I don't get it.