Most people will only follow a leader who gives them what they want. Since what people want is so varied, the more people one is trying to 'please' the more difficult it is to 'lead.'
Bush's approval ratings right now are around 22%.
For me, that doesn't carry a lot of weight. That approval rating came from the same nation that made "American Idol" the number one TV show. Doesn't say much for the mentality of most Americans.
You cannot claim that he is a great leader.
I never said he was a 'great leader'. I believe he is trying to do what he thinks is right. That's more important to me than convincing people to 'follow you' because you gave them what they want, regardless of whether what they want is best for them in the long run.
That's a good show. It is a competition that squeezes the very best out of people week after week until there is only one man standing.