I can't understand it either. Another one that bugs me is when the MSM says that Bush now claims the goal for Iraq is democracy. Democracy and regimne change for Iraq has been official policy and US law since 1998 under the IRAQ LIBERATION ACT of 1998 signed by Clinton. It calls for regime change and democracy for Iraq via a funded proxy war.
I think it is Bush arrogance. His father would say, "If you're so smart, why am I the president?" Bush Sr. ignored all warnings that the tax raise would clobber his support from conservatives.
Reagan took his case to the people and communicated well. I am always uncomfortable when Bush speaks. I wonder if he is going to do his I-just-got-out-of-bed-and-I'm-still-confused speech. That has happened way too many times.
I think too much has been put on him, but certainly he could be rested and articulate for national TV. Clinton, according to the Toe Sucker, was curled up on the couch during the Lewinski crisis, but rose to the occasion for the State of the Union speech, his pitch for non-impeachment.