They should fast-track their request for asylum, like by the end of the week so they can be on the plane Saturday.
Asking for asylum, because they might face problems back home in Rwanda, is like the Menendez brothers asking leniency because they are, after all, orphans.
Yes, I have filed this under "Unmitigated Gall" and can't believe that the relatives of those murdered people have to put up with this BS. If we can't prosecute them, we sure as hell ought to be able to dropkick them out of our country so fast their eyes water.
How much evidence exists apart from the confessions? It wouldn't be all that difficult for me to believe that the Rwandan authorities rounded up three of their "usual suspects," beat false confessions out of them, and then handed them over to the US to gain political points with the US government.
I don't think it's unreasonable to have a hearing to determine if that's what happened before handing them back to that same government. If there's other evidence of their guilt -- even if it's not enough to sustain a murder conviction -- or if there's no evidence they were railroaded, then they should be shipped back to Rwanda or whatever third country volunteers to take them.