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Open Letter to Members of the GOP [Columnist] ^ | 2007 | JB Williams

Posted on 01/21/2007 9:26:10 AM PST by anglian

In recent years, the GOP has fallen into a trap of monumental proportions. They bought into the “big tent” lie that demands they be spineless, non-committal chameleons capable of changing their ideological colors with the shifting political winds. They bought the notion that in order to win national elections in America, they must negotiate and compromise with their political enemy across the aisle in some faux display of imaginary bi-partisanship that not a single American believes even possible today.

It isn't possible to unite anti-abortionists with pro-abortionists, capitalists with anti-capitalists, national security hawks with national security pantywaists, those committed to winning the international war on terror with those equally committed to undermining the international war on terror, American patriots with globalists more committed to the UN than the US. There is no common ground upon which to unite!

In the old days, when both Republicans and Democrats were pro-America, pro-life, pro-national sovereignty and security, pro-morality, pro-individual liberty, pro-free enterprise and pro- Declaration of Independence and Constitution, the two parties debated over the best way to achieve the same common goal of protecting, preserving and promoting all American principles. That was then, not now. We no longer share the same goals.

Today, most Democrats, especially current DNC leaders, are anti-life, anti-sovereignty, anti-security, anti-morality, pro-greater communal good which is anti-individual liberty, anti-capitalism pigs who believe in neither the founding principles of the Declaration or the laws of the written Constitution they work to dismantle. They spend their every political moment working to subvert all of it and there is nothing American about it!

So the idea that we can all just “get along” in some utopian peaceful political harmony might be the biggest lie of the 20th century. Likewise, the idea that America itself, which seems divided right down the partisan center at present, between those who still hold all of our founding principles dear and those who seek to destroy these same principles and values, is equally retarded. (Sorry, that comment unfairly makes the retarded sound stupid.) I’d use the term insane, but even the insane can figure this one out. It takes courage, not elitist intellect to face reality.

As we have seen in recent elections, the enemy across the aisle is willing to do whatever it takes to advance its anti-American agenda. They will lie, cheat, commit treason and stab you in the back with their left hand while saluting you with their right. They invent false facts designed to scare average voters into supporting a party and an agenda no real American would ever knowingly support. They demonize all conservative, freedom loving moral people as greed driven right-wing crackpots and they use their leftist friends in the press to pound their lies into the American psyche day after day, month after month, year after year, until even the most well studied voter can no longer distinguish fact from fiction.

All of this, just to point out what should be obvious to all real Americans by now. America’s most devoted and dangerous enemy is not Usama Bin Laden, or Al Qaeda, Hezbollah or Hamas, Iran, Syria or North Korea, although all of these terrorist regimes threaten the future of the west like never before, thanks to gutless liberal appeasement policies of the past.

Americas most devoted and dangerous enemy today is our enemy within.

Leftist anti-American Democrats (aka liberals, progressives, democratic socialists), in control of the press, academia, the judicial branch and now congress, seeking control of the executive branch in ‘08’ and at present, likely to win it.

Though their ability to completely demonize all conservatives has been hugely successful, the GOP’s effort to win by playing that same game has not worked, nor will it. Democrats succeeded in demonizing not only conservatives, but the American principles themselves. They were able to do it only because the press made the lie believable for most Americans who lack the time and interest to do their own homework. Those who believe the press will believe Democrats. It’s that simple. Only those with direct personal knowledge of the massive false reporting in the press can be reasoned with today. Blind “useful idiots” of the left can only be saved against their will.

The GOP will NOT win the ‘08’ election by playing this game on their field by their rules because the GOP will NOT have the press in their corner under any circumstances and that means that all efforts to tell the American people the truth about their Democrat friends will fall on deaf ears. Don’t waste precious time and resources telling voters how awful DNC candidates truly are. Those who already know it don’t need to hear it, and those who don’t, won’t hear it.

To win the ‘08’ election and derail a locomotive speeding to national ruin, the GOP will have to play its own game by its own set of rules, a set of rules that Democrats know little about, and have no chance of winning. Only the brutal truth can save the GOP or this nation. Only a full frontal assault on our enemy will work at this point. No more pretending that our enemy is our friend or that we have anything at all in common.

If 12 years and 17 broken UN resolutions qualify as “failed diplomacy” in Iraq - and it does - then 40 years and examples too numerous to count of extreme partisanship must qualify as a “failed political strategy” - and it does.

The average Republican is by nature of the beast, decent, hard working, morally conscious, ethical, generous, accommodating and friendly. This makes them poorly suited to take on some of the lowest political scum on earth who happen to reside across the aisle. Not all Democrats of course, I can think of three or four I could describe in nicer terms. However, that three or four have no power in their party today as a result. So there is no need to make battle plans on the basis of their exception. We must focus on the rule and treat all enemies like an enemy.

If the GOP thinks it can win national elections by simply attempting to demonize Democrats today, no matter how true those attempts might be, they are not paying attention. The press will never stand for it much less challenge a single Democrat for a single public act of treason. They only demonize pro-American conservatives. You should know that by now and accept it. If you can’t, review the Dan Rather tapes again and again until they sink in.

If the press won’t pursue the treasonous acts of Senator Jay Rockefeller, or follow a single lead on the numerous Democrat campaign leaks of top secret national security operations, or make sure that Sandy “burglar” Berger never has security clearance in this country again, why would you expect the press to do anything even slightly American?

No – To win national elections from here on, for the foreseeable future, conservatives and the GOP will have to concentrate on offering an obviously better candidate than any opponent. They will have to offer the American people what they want. Not the compromised middle of the road “big tent” version of what non-committed American centrists think they want, which changes with the wind. What real Americans want, but have not seen in recent years!

A real honest-to-goodness pro-American LEADER; one who stakes his/her entire being and bets his/her entire political future upon real true basic American principles and values; one who takes no prisoners and makes no apologies for being wholly American, and one willing to take up arms and stand a post against not only foreign aggressors, but also against the enemy within. They want the kind of real leader of whom you would be proud to share a fox hole with. Trust me. This is war and America hangs in the balance. Only a take-no-prisoners real conservative leader, grounded in morally correct true American principles can lead this nation back out of darkness and all real Americans know it!

For too long, both political parties have promoted people that most Americans wouldn’t trust enough to have over for dinner. Career politicians who often demonstrate an obvious disdain for the peons they Lord over from the ivory tower (cesspool of corruption) in Washington DC. Corruption is the only thing that is bi-partisan in Washington today and most Americans inherently sense it.

As a result, no thinking American can believe in any U.S. politician at present, from either party. Only non-thinking Americans still bet their farm on the current crop of losers in either party and the terminally ignorant are so blindly frustrated that they think having three or four loser parties will solve the problem, as if allowing total un-American losers to be elected by 34% or less is some kind of improvement to our current disaster.

No – Unless the GOP wants to fold its 200 year old conservative tent for good, it’s going to have to close down the “big tent” it adopted several years back. It will have to adopt a “get on or get out” attitude towards both GOP membership and the leaders they are going to present to the people in the future. They must return to their conservative roots and make no apologies for doing so.

And that’s not all. They must also begin to confront all enemies and treat them as such. There is only one way to win anything on this earth and that is to stop treating failure as an option. That goes for our enemies in Iraq as well as the broader war on terror. It also goes for the enemy across the political aisle. None of these devoted enemies will take prisoners in their efforts to destroy this nation and we will not have the luxury of taking prisoners in our efforts to stop them. Push has come to shove and the luxury of negotiating peace has passed. Its war and losing is not an option!

No more pretenders in the GOP! Conservative is as conservative does. Talk isn’t just cheap. It’s worthless!

If a man won’t risk his own life to secure our national borders, he is NOT a conservative. If he believes more in the power of the federal government than the free people it is to represent, he is NOT a conservative. If he is not a capitalist, he is NOT a conservative. If he believes in some government issued greater communal good instead of individual liberty and freedom, he is NOT a conservative. If he trusts the UN more than the US, he isn’t very smart and he is NOT a conservative. If he thinks France, Russia, Iran, Syria or North Korea is our friend, he is NOT a conservative. If he is an isolationist in this dangerous world that requires strong American leadership, he is NOT a conservative. If he does not hold life as a sacred gift worthy of protection, he is NOT a conservative. If he prefers imaginary constitutional rights over the written constitutional rights, he is NOT a conservative. If he thinks that marriage is anything less than a God sanctioned union between one man and one woman, he is NOT a conservative. If he is willing to confiscate private earnings, property and resources to grow government for the greater communal good, he is NOT a conservative. If he is willing to send our troops into harms way without full unfettered support and a deep commitment to victory, he is NOT a conservative. If he does not know the difference between legal and illegal immigration and care, then he is NOT a conservative. And if he lacks the spine to confront his enemies, he is NOT a conservative. He’s not even a man!

If he is NOT a conservative, he should NOT be a member of the GOP and he sure as hell shouldn’t be a leader of the GOP! No more pretenders! No more faux conservatives compassionate towards the enemy on the left.

If this seems harsh or extreme, GOOD! It had better be or we can kiss this nation goodbye forever! There is no harsher or more extreme enemy facing this nation today than the enemy across the aisle and the sooner real Americans reconcile with that fact, the sooner we properly identify the most dangerous enemy of this nation and treat them accordingly, the sooner we can get on with the task of saving this nation from those who like nothing about it.

Are these words too strong for you? You can wait for a giant mushroom cloud over a US city or until your very existence is fully monitored and governed at the hand of Washington politicians for the “greater good” to believe me if you want. But sooner or later, this is the task at hand. It will not improve with time, it will only get worse. Our enemy will get stronger and the voter will get only more confused, voting themselves further and further into federal tyranny and self destruction with every election.

The GOP must save itself by reforming itself first and foremost. If it can not or will not reform itself, it can not reform this nation. Time is short and the stakes have never been higher.

I do not hate my enemies, but I will not accommodate, negotiate, compromise or tolerate their agenda, nor will I ever allow them to defeat me! The founders had it right and I accept my responsibility to uphold and defend their principles, against all aggressors, both foreign and domestic, with my life if necessary! My children’s future depends upon it and so does yours!

That’s what it is to be a conservative. As a matter of fact, that’s what it is to be an American! It’s time to stand and be counted!

©2007 - JB Williams - USA

The opinions expressed in this column represent those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions, views, or philosophy of

TOPICS: Editorial; Government; Politics/Elections
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To: arthurus

If you say so. I disagree.

41 posted on 02/07/2007 6:58:12 AM PST by kinoxi
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To: upchuck
Here's the problem.

We choose public officials by election. Elections between two candidates are determined by majority vote.

Your point of view represents no more than 35% of the people, probably less (22%-27% would be my best guess).

You can have a Republican landslide only by winning significant numbers of uncommitted voters who are usually also stupid and lazy.

Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan both were masters at doing this.

The Rovian "stimulate the base" plan worked up to a point.

However, the stimulated base has now terrified or repelled (or both) a large group of centrist and center-right voters who will not vote for a base candidate under any circumstances.

42 posted on 02/07/2007 7:03:52 AM PST by Jim Noble
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To: kinoxi
I like the letter and agree with the author on many points.

However, common sense would dictate that most of the loaf of bread is better than no slice at all.

I think the letter is a great goal that all Republicans and Conservatives should work towards.

As things shape up in the near future (08) if Hellary wins then the United States as we have known it for the last 200 plus years will soon cease to exist soon after her inauguration.

She has repeatedly said for the last 40 plus years she want to redistribute the wealth and that America is a global village.

Hellary is a follower of communist and socialist thinking for all of those years.

Hellary's hero's have left their black marks of socialism all over the pages of history.

All those hard noses will rue the day that they in essence turned their backs on this great country over pride.

America is at a crossroads just as England was at the same crossroads 50 years ago.

England capitulated to European thinking and gave up her place at the table of world powers.

She opened up her borders and denigrated her populations with the scum of the earth and self identified haters of anything non Muslim.

I believe the Democrat Party, Hellary, Al Gore Envirowhacko's and George Soros liberals are on the same path of self destruction as followed by their mentors in 1940's,50's, 60's and 70's England.

All of this liberalism (crap) (if I may borrow a Osama Obama term) has a high price to pay in the long run.

One way or the other our grandchildren will be the ultimate payers for the next election.

God help us if Hellary is elected but run and hide, seek shelter in a dark cave if Obama becomes El Presidente.
43 posted on 02/07/2007 7:21:26 AM PST by OKIEDOC (Kalifornia now a certified socialist state reporting to Mexico City for further instructions)
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To: anglian


44 posted on 11/04/2008 10:15:23 PM PST by Lauren BaRecall (You sound like a pundit, and it's annoying the hell out of me.)
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To: Lauren BaRecall

And a BTTT

45 posted on 11/05/2008 12:35:32 AM PST by anglian
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