This "exploratory committee" step is a holding action, a response to Obama-mania. She is still not certain to run. She has yet to settle on a winning strategy, although I think the outlines are starting to emerge. If she decides finally to run, we will be treated to a softer, friendlier, yet firm on security Hillary--a security Mom with grit. She is paying close attention to Pelosi's SanFran Granny Nan act, to see how it plays. If I am right, and I did predict with certainty her senate victory in 2000, she will be a formidable candidate--"the NEW Hillary," like "the New Nixon" in 1968.
Prepare for much weeping and gnashing of teeth and barf alerts galore.
Her strategy: "I'm Hillary, the smartest woman in the world. Vote for me. You owe it to me."