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To: zarf
Strictly speaking as a "Border Nut" I don't understand all this sympathy for the perp. Further, I am sick of legal eagles that attack the people who defend this nation via arcane laws and 20-20 hindsight. The only crime the agents are guilty of is poor marksmanship. For that they should be given remedial training.

Far from being angry at the agents, I am furious at a legal system that could charge them in the first place and then convict them. My God, these people were justifiably afraid of loosing their lives, their future, and their families due to a run away Judaical system that persecutes the innocent. And that is just what happened. The full force of the government came down on them in support of...the criminal. Imagine that.

If this nonsense keeps up, one day we will all wake up and find the armed forces and security forces held a trial and found that we were not worthy of their protection. And who could blame them?
20 posted on 01/20/2007 7:01:25 AM PST by Nuc1 (NUC1 Sub pusher SSN 668 (Liberals Aren't Patriots))
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To: Nuc1
It gets worse...What was not reported in the article was that to sweeten the deal to testify, the feds paid for treatment of the drug dealer's injured butt at an Army Medical Center in El Paso. He showed his gratitude by breaking his immunity agreement by attempting to smuggle an additional 1,000 pounds of pot into the U.S. the following October.

So what did the feds do after this?? U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton extended his immunity to this second felony and then sealed the indictment for this crime from jurors. And what did the drug dealer then do? He promptly filed a $5 million lawsuit against the feds who twice granted him immunity.

Is this unbelievable or what? The government has truly turned upside down.

23 posted on 01/20/2007 7:11:43 AM PST by Ronaldus Magnus Reagan
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