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To: sgtbono2002
Now the way I see this they were doing their job unbtil they slipped up and shot at this guy, Then they tried to hide that fatc. Now to me they deserve to lose their jobs. They dont deserve prison.

They were doing their jobs when they shot at the guy also. According to the agents he had a gun, according to the perp he didn't. So the feds took the word of an illegal drug runner over two border patrol agents. As for not reporting the shooting, it is not a "serious" crime. It requires 5 days suspension, not loss of job and not prison time.

They were jailed for many other offenses, none of them provable and only supported by the word of this illegal drug running asshat who got off scot free from any crime and also received free medical, plus now he is suing for 5 million bucks for violation of his "civil rights". You know, the rights that illegals don't have because they are law breakers and should be deported and/or jailed.

Yes, the agents should have reprorted the shooting, this was a mistake and actually allowed the open border administration to railroad the two agents because it ate into their credibility. The fact is, the only evidence they have that the agents committed the offenses for which they were jailed is the word of this illegal, lying, drug running scum bag.

19 posted on 01/20/2007 6:57:39 AM PST by calex59
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To: calex59

They shot at this creep over 40 times and missed? For that alone they should have been given a couple weeks off from work.

I am with you. The place to start after they get released from jail is to arm ourselves EN MASS and go to the source, Washington DC, and take back our country.

24 posted on 01/20/2007 7:11:45 AM PST by crz
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To: calex59

I am on your side in this pal.

I agree wholeheartedly. A job action would have been the way to go, 15 years in jail is a sin.

I am not saying Mr. Bush should see that they are placed back on duty with no action, but he should at least keep them out of jail and expunge the criminal record.

44 posted on 01/20/2007 8:32:46 AM PST by sgtbono2002 (Peace through strength.)
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To: calex59; sgtbono2002
I also believe that one of the agents was "Agent of the Year" in 2005. It is an administrative suspension in the BP for discharging your weapon and not reporting it according to the union rep on Fox news last week. Worst they should of gotten was a five day suspension. I would buy both of them dinner and drinks during that time.
53 posted on 01/20/2007 8:38:57 AM PST by mad_as_he$$
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To: calex59

Did they trace the bullet back to the agents' guns? They might not even have shot him.

60 posted on 01/20/2007 8:45:14 AM PST by Mamzelle
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To: calex59
The PC position of the leaders of this country are that these illegals are just doing the jobs that Americans refuse to do. They are ALL to be given more rights and benefits then we have, along with the terrorists. Bush has bought into the leftest liberal agenda on this, expect to see amnesty soon. If he does pardon these two it will be to appease us while he is planning an amnesty bill with nancy and reid.
109 posted on 01/20/2007 9:47:18 AM PST by tioga
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To: calex59
The fact is, the only evidence they have that the agents committed the offenses for which they were jailed is the word of this illegal, lying, drug running scum bag.

They also have the bullet they pulled out of the drug runners behind which matched the ballistics of the agent's gun. The screw up was in not reporting, and then covering up the shooting, which is a serious issue. They opened the door by not reporting it, then denying it, then ultimately admitting it. Makes them look guilty to a jury, which heard the entire situation, including testimony from other border agents who came to the assistance of these two and corroborated the illegal's story.

Fact is, when they shot at him, they did not know he had the drugs...they just knew he was illegally fleeing. The one agent, who caught up with the guy, slipped and fell and the alien took off. The alien and the statements of some of the other agents indicate that the offficer was about to hit him with the butt of his shotgun when the agent fell down. The story about the illegal's gun came up later and was not a consistent story either to the prosecution, or to the other agents on the scene.

The other agent opened fire at that point and that is understandable when he sees his partner go down and the perp fleeing. The agen that went down also fired at the alien many times, apparently not knowing they hit him in the buttocks.

Like I said, the grave error in judgement on these agents part was in not only not reporting it, but picking up the casings to cover it up. Had they not done that, they would be free IMHO and probably have suffered some sort of suspension. Or, it they had taken the plea bargain, they would have gotten, as I understand it, a suspended sentence. It was in not reporting it and actively covering it up...the latter part is a criminal act..that they messed up badly and gave the opportunity for their prosecution.

It sickens me that an opportunity was given to some prosecutor to use an illegal, drug running aline to prosecute to agents with heretofore good records. it sickens me that this perp is free, scott free, for his statements...which is a travesty IMHO...and it is giving fuel to the open borders crowd for continuing to let this national shame go on. But these agents themselves bear a lot of blame in that they opened up the door by their own acts.

111 posted on 01/20/2007 9:54:28 AM PST by Jeff Head (Freedom is not free...never has been, never will be (
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To: calex59
"They were doing their jobs when they shot at the guy also. According to the agents he had a gun, according to the perp he didn't."

According to the bullet holes in the perp, he was running away. Where's the evidence the perp shot at them? The agents were not doing their jobs.

" As for not reporting the shooting, it is not a "serious" crime."

They shot at a fleeing suspect, then obstructed justice.

"The fact is, the only evidence they have that the agents committed the offenses for which they were jailed is the word of this illegal, lying, drug running scum bag."

Oh? Then how do they know about the 15 shells and the rest of the story?

197 posted on 01/20/2007 1:14:18 PM PST by spunkets
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