Just by the way and timing Hilary!'s candidacy was announced today, its clear now, as suspected, that Obama is just a setup man. The DBM will present a choice - Hilary! or Obama, which was planned from the get-go, since there is no future in an Obama candidacy.
"since there is no future in an Obama candidacy."
Dunno. Because of Romney I've been paying attention to Massachusetts.
The new governor there ran on "hope", "change", "workking together" and I think he mentioned "eternal youth" once.
The press loved him and covered all his slips, and he won by a HUGE margin.
Barak is offering the same. It's a Clintonesque formula but if he gets it right with the press, and they demonize whatever poor yutz runs against him, he could win.
If his people run a campaign like Hillary's Senate run, he can win like Deval Patrick won- by saying nothing othe than HOPE and CHANGE and letting his constituents fill in the blanks with what they want to have heard him say.