I hope they raise it to $15/hour. It would be a boon to the robotics industry as well as end immigration for low skilled jobs overnight.
Senator Rockefeller from West Virginia apparently once was complaining that his neighborhood was getting too crowded with doctors, etc.
So he proposed higher local property taxes to keep out the newly rich that were invading the old rich areas.
you honestly think a drug dealer who also dips into the welfare pool is going to get a real job? LOL
Then you'd increase the need for highly trained engineers/techs to maintain/repair/program the robots, boosting the middle class. Good idea!
Mostly, I think the minimum wage flap is a red-herring. The vast majority of jobs are higher than MW, and for those employers already breaking the law by using "undocumented" workers... well, their employees are hardly in a position to complain about sub-MW pay.
But MW increase is politically easy. Going after law-breaking employers and other big interests protecting illegal immigration would be difficult. Add that to all the PC flack, what politician wants to go up against that?