I'll bet that he is hoping that by removing himself from the case his problems will go away and he can keep his job.But from what thatone kid's mother recently said he is in for a long painful future. Those parents should sue him one at a time, i.e. when one suit is done start another until he is bankrupt.
Here's what Nifong's attorney said the other day:
"He feels, as a result of the accusations against him, that he would be a distraction and he wants to make sure the accuser receives a fair trial," attorney David Freedman told The Associated Press. "He still believes in the case. He just believes his continued presence would hurt her."
Just one problem. Since when is the ACCUSER guaranteed a fair trial???
I'm thinking his "new" attorney told him to get off this case pronto, so he wouldn't be subjected to it being taken away from him.
What I worry about is the Smith murder in Durham; I hope he and none of his staff have one thing to do with that; they are just as guilty as he is.