"My poor grandchildren will never know the country I grew up in."
You're right. Mine won't either.
How CAN we describe what the 50's were like - the innocence - pretty-much the "leave it to beaver" life, the afternoons on a bicycle, the warm summer evenings sitting outside on the porch just looking at the stars, the playing in the street, the neighbor kids getting together and doing - doing - whatever popped into their minds, and then finally realizing that it was getting late,- - - - - - going home to mom's cooking, having a nice warm bath and plopping into bed and falling asleep with the windows open and the front door unlocked, and then.....and then waking the following morning and starting-out on another day's "new adventure".
I fear that there won't be anything TO read that accurately says what America WAS. It will probably be referenced as failed-capitalism - doomed by the greed of the evil rich.
I'm sure there was bad back them but we didn't hear about it or see it. We lived and played in an innocent time.
There was one rule they made us obey, and we never broke it, It was always the last thing we heard mama say, "be home by dark".
What a glorious age that was to be a kid in.